
*UPDATED 3/28/20*


Our group class schedule for this week is attached to this email. We are running a lot of classes this week. Because of the uncertainty of this schedule, we will be canceling any unsubscribed classes the night before they run (per usual). I am adjusting pay rates for classes to a $25 flat rate. If you prefer not to teach at this rate, please let me know ASAP TODAY so we can adjust the schedule. 

We really don't know how revenue is going to go with these classes, and I need to make sure we have enough coming in to cover payroll costs. As I explained in our meeting, cash flow is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING for the studio right now. 

I'm willing to look at this again when we have a few weeks of sales history. I will also be cutting any underperforming classes from the schedule based on how they perform this week. PLEASE promote the classes and class offers in your social media feed. 


Please enter confirm/cancel/no reply in the Google Spreadsheet by 4pm the day prior to your private/duet. If it is after 4pm the day before, please send an email to admin@coreatl.com

Heather or Tori work afternoons until about 6:30pm and will be able to get the appointment and calendar invite set up for you. 

If the client does NOT reply, please note "no reply" in the spreadsheet so that we know the status. CCT has been leaving clients in Wellness Living who are "on the fence" and only cancelling them week to week so that we do not forget to circle back with them when they are ready to try online sessions. Just keep CCT posted on those clients.


Heather and Tori are working shortened shifts for CCT while we are operating online. The best way to make sure they both get communication during any of those shifts is to send your email to admin@coreatl.com. Please be mindful of their work hours. 

If you need assistance outside of CCT hours they may not be able to get back to you right away. 

If you are unable to fill out the Google Spreadsheet with Client Appt Status (which is preferred) EMAIL IS THE PREFERRED COMMUNICATION so that they can ensure YOU and YOUR CLIENTS are scheduled in Wellness Living and receive Google Calendar invites. 

Texts can get lost in the midst and are harder to keep track of. 

CCT hours are as follows:

Monday - Friday 8:30am - 12:30pm (HM)

Monday - Thursday 4:30pm - 6:30pm (Mon/Thurs HM, Tues/Weds TV)

Saturday 8:30am - 12pm (TV)

Sunday 4:00pm - 6:00pm (TV)

ZOOM - Semi Privates and Group Classes - Please End ON TIME

Please make sure that you are ending your semi private or group class ON TIME at least 3-5 minutes before the hour. If the instructor after you tries to start their class on the hour, they can't start the meeting unless they end YOUR meeting. With that they either start several minutes late or your class gets interrupted :/ some clients have been a bit persnickety about the technology and we want to make sure the instructor is there to start on time even if the client is late. 



  1. Go directly to www.zoom.com

  2. Login: jessica@coreatl.com

  3. Password: COREstrong2020!

  4. Navigate to “meetings” tab on left

  5. Look for your class time on the list of meetings

  6. Click “start class”

  7. Choose your audio source (phone if you want to use earbuds, computer audio if you are using your computer)

  8. Click “start video” in lower left corner of screen

  9. Use the “manage participants” menu (bottom center) to mute or unmute the group. I recommend keeping it unmuted until you start class and then muting during teaching unless you want to check in with the class.

  10. You will get a popup asking you if you want to allow participants to unmute themselves. If you click yes, tell them that they can do this AND that the video will switch to them when they talk.

  11. If they don't want the video to switch to the speaker when someone talks, you can instruct them to click on your picture/view, click on the ellipses and choose "pin video". Otherwise each time someone talks it will flip to the person talking. You (instructor) can choose "gallery view" to see everyone at the top of your screen.


While Tori and Heather are happy to assist with connecting if there are issues, please be sure to read or watch the tutorials that Erin and Heather have put together (separate email or link on website to come) on joining Google Hangouts and ZOOM so that YOU as instructors know how to connect. 

This will reduce the amount of calls and emails that CCT receives requesting help and they can be sure to concentrate on our clients needing help. Unfortunately with time constraints and the budget for CCT work hours, it is impossible for them to help 12-14 instructors AND all of the clients with connecting multiple times a day.

KEEP IN MIND - GOOGLE CHROME is the REQUIRED browser for Google Hangouts Meet.  It may not work in other browsers. ALSO we are using Hangouts Meet, not regular Google Hangouts, so if you are using an app then make sure it is the Meet version. Regular Google Hangouts may not allow more than 2 people (duets+instructor) and may not work with certain versions of Chrome, iPads, phones, etc.


CCT is doing their best to make sure your appointments are in BOTH Wellness Living (payment and payroll) and Google Calendar (hangouts call for privates and duets). Please help by checking your WL app and Google Calendar towards the end of the day for your next day and let them know if there are any discrepancies so that they can resolve them. With that said, when you receive your attendance/appointment confirmation email the evening before your sessions, please compare the WL list with your Google Calendar and vice versa and email CCT if you did not receive an invite, etc.


  • 5 pack of Privates ($349) - comes with 1 month unlimited Group Classes [limit one per client - must be purchased by March 31st]

  • 5 pack of Semi Privates ($179) - comes with 1 month unlimited Group Classes [limit one per client - must be purchased by March 31st]

  • 2 weeks unlimited group classes for $49 - NEW CLIENTS ONLY

  • 1 month unlimited group classes for $149 (after new clients finish their 2 week deal, or new clients, or existing clients that are not members)

  • All clients with ACTIVE memberships are eligible to take UNLIMITED group classes during the closure at no additional charge. They must have an active membership (not expired). Please have them email us at admin@coreatl.com so that can add that "pass" to their profile so they can book online.

  • If an active member would like to save their membership sessions for later use and purchase a 5 pack at the lower per session rate, they may do so. We will extend the expiration of their membership sessions.

  • We are not holding memberships right now, BUT we are extending the expiration of members' sessions. i.e. if their membership ends May 31st their sessions would usually expire May 31st IF THEY ARE NOT USING THE MEMBERSHIP. If they are using their membership, we are not extending the expiration. We ARE extending the expiration of the sessions due to the closure based on the length of time of closure. 


When you post online about CORE or share CORE posts, please use the hashtags: #keepmoving, #mycatalyst, #corebuckhead.

Please continue to interact with our social content. This is our MOST important way to connect with clients and prospective clients right now. 

I am asking again for each of you to contribute to the FB tips for both the Live page and the client group. Here is the link. Please contribute NO LATER THAN TOMORROW AT 5PM. I will be heavily focused on loan applications, writing marketing content and cash flow forecasting for the next week and I need help with this. Once we have a good bank of content we can plug it into our social calendar. 

Thank you all for your help. It will truly be a team effort to get us through this. I value your contributions in all their forms. 


*UPDATED 3/14/20*

Hi all!
We have so much information flying, Erin and I thought it would be helpful to consolidate everything in one place. Please read carefully and keep this email for your reference.  Below you will find the following:

  1. Links to key information for clients

  2. The updated group class schedule

  3. Time sensitive registration info about the Shari Berkowitz workshop tomorrow

  4. Information about WEEKLY team meetings

  5. Zoom set up instructions for CCT and Instructors

  6. Google Hangouts set up instructions for CCT and instructors

A few ideas have flown today about additional offerings we can add-in. So far that list includes yoga, meditation, Pranic Healing and Pilates for Kids. I'm also thinking about a nutrition offering or "COVID challenge" to keep people on track with movement and self-care during this time. I'm open to other ideas, so keep the creative juices flowing!

Finally, I took a moment this afternoon to look back at our CORE values. They seem very apropos right now. Please take a moment this weekend to reflect on them and how we can continue to inhabit them in the days and weeks to come. 

  1. We are a team. (“Team”)

  2.  We are passionate about improving lives. (“Passion”)

  3.  We are adaptive. (“Adaptive”)

  4.  We present ourselves truthfully. (“Authentic”)

  5. Our goal is growth – for our clients, our team and our business. (“Growth”) 

Love & appreciate you all!


 Below are links to the communications currently provided to CORE Clients. 


Here are the Zoom set-up links for internal use only. Please do not share this with clients. 

How to Set Up a Class/Semi “Meeting” in Zoom (Client Care Team Only)

  1. Go to www.zoom.com

  2. Login: jessica@coreatl.com

  3. Password: COREstrong2020!

  4. Click “Schedule a Meeting” in the upper center of screen.

  5. Name the Meeting “Teacher First Name/Class Name & Level”

  6. Select Day and Time

  7. Check Recurring Meeting for every 1 week until 4/30/2020

  8. Check “registration required”

  9. Select the option that attendees must register for each meeting occurrence.

  10. Check “require meeting password”

  11. Set meeting password to “instructor first and last initial class type” eg “kasemi2”

  12. Turn video on for host and participant

  13. Allow both computer and phone audio

  14. Check enable join before host

  15. Check only authenticated users can join

  16. Click Save

  17. Screen will advance to confirmation

  18. Share meeting info with registered clients by clicking “copy invitation” and emailing teacher and clients, with all clients BCC’d.  


How to Log Into Zoom on Computer (Teachers)

  1. Go to www.zoom.com

  2. Login: jessica@coreatl.com

  3. Password: COREstrong2020!

  4. Navigate to “meetings” tab on left

  5. Look for your class time on the list of meetings

  6. Click “start class”

  7. Choose your audio source (phone if you want to use earbuds, computer audio if you are using your computer)

  8. Click “start video” in lower left corner of screen

  9. Use the “manage participants” menu (bottom center) to mute or unmute the group. I recommend keeping it unmuted until you start class and then muting during teaching unless you want to check in with the class. 

  10. You will get a popup asking you if you want to allow participants to unmute themselves. If you click yes, tell them that they can do this AND that the video will switch to them when they talk. 

  11. If you want to let them ask questions by chat, direct them to the chat box, but bear in mind you will need to stop and start to get their feedback by chat. 


Here are the Google Hangout set-up instructions for internal use only. Please do not share this with clients. 

How to Start a Google Hangout (TEACHERS)

  1. Make sure you have Chrome downloaded on your computer. 

  2. Make sure you can see a calendar called “COVID Teaching Calendar (your name)” on your google calendar. You should be able to see it when you are logged into your computer and in your CORE gsuite account by navigating to the calendar. Heather and the admin@coreatl.com accounts will be able to see all teacher calendars. 

  3. If you have your CORE email on your phone, you should be able to elect to see this calendar on your phone. On an iphone, open your calendar and click on the “Calendars” link in the bottom middle of your screen. Scroll down until you see your CORE email address and there should be a green calendar checked named “COVID Teaching Schedule (your name)”. 

  4. When an appointment is booked for a google hangout on your calendar, you and your client will both receive a confirmation email. When you receive it, open it and confirm that you will attend by clicking “yes”.

  5. 5 minutes prior to your appointment, once you have your video set up, click on the web link that starts with meet.google.com. 

  6. If you prefer to use phone audio, you can mute your computer.

  7. You will see a popup that shows you on video and asks if you are ready to join. Click the green “Join Meeting” button. Make sure your camera is pointing where you want it to. 😊

  8. If your client contacts you to get for meeting details (eg how to log in), those details are in the lower left hand side. You also have controls for audio and video at the bottom middle of the screen. If you want to have captioning (which can be inaccurate, FYI), click the “turn on captions” option on the lower right. 


How to Set Up a Private Lesson in Google Hangouts (CLIENT CARE ONLY)

  1. Log into the admin@coreatl.com email account.

  2. Navigate to the calendar.

  3. Click the +create button in the upper left corner.

  4. Click the “more options” link on the bottom of the pop up box to open up a new window.

  5. Name the event “[teacher first name] private lesson with [client first name & last initial].

  6. Select the date and time.

  7. Click recurring if it is a standing appointment and make the end date 4/30/2020.

  8. Add the teacher’s email and the client’s email in the “add guests” field.

  9. Make sure “join hangouts meet” is displayed.

  10. Place on the CORE COVID Teaching Calendar.

  11. Click save.

  12. When you get a popup asking if you want to send invitation emails to Google Calendar guests, click “Send”.